Sillmann, Roland

Science and Technology Park Berlin Adlershof, Germany

Roland Sillmann was born in Freiburg and has been Managing Director of the state-owned WISTA Management GmbH since 2015. He is in this role responsible for the development of Germany’s leading science and technology park Berlin-Adlershof, the Charlottenburg Innovation Center CHIC, the Innovation Campus FUBIC in Dahlem, the Clean Tech Business Park Marzahn, the Office for “Future Locations” (Zukunftsorte), the Industrial Park Initiative Berlin and the Innovation Corridor Berlin – Lausitz. Previously, he was a board member and founder of Inventux Technologies AG, one of the largest independent start-ups in Germany.

He was a finalist for the German Founders Award and Entrepreneur of the Year. In this capacity, he won the if-Design Award, the reddot-Design Award and the Step Award, among others. He also worked as a technical director at Schüco International KG in Bielefeld, where he was responsible for technological development and production in the field of renewable energies. He started his professional career at the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hameln/Emmerthal. Roland Sillmann holds a degree in mechanical engineering and has also completed a Master of Business Engineering (MBE) program in Berlin, the USA and Japan.

Speaking in
IASP 2023IASP 2024
Plenary session 1: STPs & AOIs as drivers of future economies