Zephir, Olivier

Technoport, Luxembourg

Olivier Zephir is the Head of Business Development & Innovation at the Technoport S.A, a technology business incubator based in Luxembourg. With operational experience in designing and operating technology business innovation support measures and with a Ph.D background in Industrial Systems Engineering, he is an expert in DeepTech operations excellence. Olivier Zephir is active across a set of European and international industrial RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) consortiums, developing from lab to market acceleration measures. He is the incubation lead of a EU Space Resources start-up support programme and the coordinator of the IASP (International Association of Science Parks) Space subnetwork. His day-to-day core mission is to support early-stage ventures in validating
technological products, the related commercial strategies within a consolidated international network of technical and business partners

Speaking in
IASP 2023