Büyükeren, Şimal

ITU ARI Teknokent, Türkiye

Şimal Büyükeren has been working as a Business Development Expert at İstanbul Technical University’s Science Park, İTÜ ARI Teknokent, since April 2023. In this role, she actively engages with business professionals to foster collaborations, secure sponsorships for Türkiye’s biggest entrepreneurship event, the Big Bang Startup Challenge, and introduce ITU Çekirdek startups to corporate stakeholders, thereby facilitating new collaborations and innovative projects, contributing significantly to Türkiye’s digital development.

She graduated with honours from Hacettepe University with a BA in English Language and Literature and was previously involved in a History master’s programme at Bilkent University. Currently, Şimal is pursuing a master’s degree in Management and Organization at Marmara University, focusing her research on change management theories to understand how organisations can effectively implement changes in business processes.

Her previous experience includes working as an Associate Producer in the digital department of TRT World, Türkiye’s public broadcaster airing in English, where she produced creative and informative digital content.

Speaking in
IASP 2024