Bird, Roz

Norwich Research Park, United Kingdom

A Chartered Surveyor, and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Roz joined Norwich Research Park as Chief Executive Officer, for Anglia Innovation Partnership, the campus management company, in May 2022. Roz has had a very successful career managing urban regeneration projects and science parks in Cambridge, Silverstone, Milton Keynes and Bristol, in the UK, including establishing Silverstone Technology Cluster and pioneering the Ox-Cam Arc ‘Supercluster’.

She joined AIP LLP after 15 years with MEPC Ltd – a commercial property company – where she was commercial director. Previously Roz was business development manager for the UK Science Park Association. In November 2023 Roz was elected to the UKSPA Board and in June 2024, Roz became Co-ordinator for Women in IASP.

Speaking in
IASP 2023IASP 2024