Mutisya, Emmanuel

K-AIST, Kenya

Prof. Emmanuel Mutisya is a seasoned project manager, sustainability specialist, researcher, education expert, an entrepreneur and strategist in international development policy with more than 10 years of professional and program management experience. Prof. Mutisya is currently the Chairperson of the University Council of the Kenya Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (K-AIST), Education Advisor to the President of Kenya, the Chairperson of the Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GESCI), among others.

Having played leading roles, including continental coordinator of education and skills development, Prof. Mutisya continues to provide advisory policy support, and strategic analysis in multicultural and multidisciplinary ecosystems. Prof. Mutisya has held various positions in Kenya and globally. He was appointed the First Chairperson of the National Diaspora Council of Kenya by the President of Kenya (2015-2021). He was the Chairman of the Kenyans in Japan Association (2011-2019), Chairman of the Diaspora Consortium of Kenya (2015 – 2022) as well as the Coordinator of JICA funded programs in Africa under the TICAD framework. He was also a Project Manager at the United Nations University in Japan (2015- 2017), where he coordinated the Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA) program and the African Youth Entrepreneurship Society (AYES) initiative.

He was awarded the “Education for Sustainable Development in Africa Champion” in Kenya in 2019. Prof. Mutisya has published over thirty peer refereed papers and book chapters. He has supervised supervised eighteen master’s and doctoral students and taught graduate programs in sustainability science, advanced concepts and methodologies, sustainable urban development, and money and banking. Prof. Mutisya holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the University of Tokyo (Japan), Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the International Christian University (Japan) and a Master’s Degree in Mathematics from Karlstad University (Sweden).

Speaking in
IASP 2024
Side event: Vice chancellors roundtable on catalytic role of academic institutions in advancing innovation through science parks