KACST’s Science and Technology Park (STP)

Through strategic objectives, KACST’s Science and Technology Park (STP) aims to foster scientific research and technological development, coordinating national efforts across various sectors of science and technology. The STP strengthens both local and international partnerships while investing in technology development and commercialization processes that are critical for national innovation.

KACST STP engages in research and development across several key industries. The park’s focus includes supporting industrial innovation centers, business incubators, accelerators, and facilitating the growth of Industry 4.0 technologies. Furthermore, it promotes venture attraction, enablement of SMEs, and hosting joint ventures to accelerate technology transfer and commercialization.

Aligned with Vision 2030, KACST STP partners with leading global universities and industrial institutions to develop the expertise of local researchers on an international level. This is achieved through initiatives such as deep tech acceleration programs, providing shared services for incubated companies, and supporting the growth of hosted startups and multinational enterprises.

KACST STP is committed to positioning Saudi Arabia as a global leader in science and technology innovation, driving sustainable economic growth and contributing to national strategic objectives.


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